2. You have a beautiful smile.
3. I'm jealous of your long thick eyelashes.
4. You force me to drink milk so I don't get osteoporosis
5. You always thank me for my cooking, and tell me it's good every time. Even though I know that's impossible.
6. You always remember all the best lines from all the best movies.
7. You will eat vegetables even though you hate them, because it makes me happy.
8. You're the best at explaining things that confuse me. Such as jokes I don't get, and anything car or military related.
9. You're a mechanic so I never have to worry about car trouble.
10. You teach me new things all the time
11. I feel safe when I'm with you.
12. You're a great father and always play with Madison even when you're tired.
13. You always plug in my cell phone for me at night.
14. You always grab post cards for me when you travel around the world.
15. You'll drive home on your lunch break sometimes, because you know I get lonely being stuck at home all day.
16. I never have to tell you to take out the garbage or mow the lawn. To this day I have never had to touch the lawn mower.
17. You can tell if I have recently mopped the floors. You'll take off your boots or tip toe around and if your soldiers are with you, you force them to do the same.
18. You let me play video games with you even though I suck at the ones you like.
19. When you run errands, sometimes you take Madison with you so I can have a break.. even if it's running back to the office.
20. When you're around you always put Madison in and out of her carseat.
21. When we go to kid birthday parties, the kids always like the gifts you pick out the best.
22. Even though you hate shopping, you'll go to the mall with me and always offer to carry my shopping bags.
23. When I'm being a b*tch, you'll never call me a b*tch.
24. I love that you go all out decorating the house for Halloween and Christmas
25. If it's broken, you can probably fix it and fix it right away.
26. Whenever I buy things to hang on the walls, you always offer to put them up for me. Even though I know it's because you don't want me touching your tools.
27. You always are cleaning out the car or washing it without me having to ask you to.
28. Even on the days you're dead tired from working all day.. you'll take me out if you know I haven't been out in a while.. even if it's just to Target. And I know you hate Target.
29. You'll chase Madison around department stores while I try on clothes.
30. You're the best at BBQing.
31. You're a big kid so you remind me how to have fun.
32. You let ME sleep in most Saturdays.
33. You're the hardest worker I know.
34. You leave me love notes inside books or on my cellphone calendar. When you've been gone for a long time and I've been missing you, they bring tears to my eyes when I find them.
35. Sometimes you take forever to apologize, but you eventually do and that's all that matters.
36. When I'm decorating a cake, you knead my fondant for me because it cramps up my hands.
37. You help me clean up the kitchen after I have destroyed it making it 3 tiered wedding cake and 100 cupcakes.
38. You would let me have the last bite of whatever delicious thing you're eating if I asked. :)
39. You make the most perfect omelets I have ever seen or tasted.
40. I have many-a-time been surprised by breakfast in bed.
41. When we're watching TV you'll sit on my feet or put them your my lap and cover them with a pillow for me because they're always cold.
42. You call me sweetheart.
43. The skills you learned in boy scouts always come in handy. Like how you're aways able to fit things like air mattresses and tents into their original packaging so neatly.
44. Sometimes you help me finish all my chores like the dishes or folding laundry so you won't have to go to bed without me, and I don't have to ask you to.
45. You always remember to put the toilet seat down.
46. You'll let me wear your PT shirts to bed, even though irritates you that I take the good ones.
47. If a random stranger were to pop quiz you on all my favorite things, you'd get every answer right.
48. You feed Jasmine every day and take her out to go potty, even though you think she's the most embarrassing dog in the world. I know you secretly love that pomeranian.
49. You take such good care of us as a family.
50. You sacrifice so much for your country and us.
51. You leave out all the scary details of your job so I won't worry, even though I know there's lots.
52. You'll watch stupid shows like Army Wives and Teen Mom with me and leave your commentary to a minimum.
53. You can talk me into watching movies that I wouldn't normal ever want to watch, and I end up really liking them, like Black Hawk Down.
54. You'll stay up extra late, or wake up extra early when you're exhausted, just to talk to me over Skype when you're deployed.
55. There's no one in the world I trust more than you
56. You trust me too.
57. You would go on 3 mile walks with me when I was pregnant, so I wouldn't have to go alone.
58. You have a nice butt.
59. You call me out on my bull crap.
60. You gave believing in God a chance because you knew how much I loved Him. Now you believe too.
61. If I'm working late, you'll bring me dinner. Sometimes you'll even be the one who cooked it
62. You always encourage me to do things I'm scared to do.
63. You like my art
64. You give the best back rubs.
65. You take me running with you even though I'm super slow. You'll even push the jogging stroller.
66. You may not care about how you dress, but you care about so many more important things.
67. You're extremely ticklish and it is hilarious.
68. If I hear a noise late at night, you'll go and check on it.
69. You always bring in the groceries
70. You help out whoever you can, whenever you can. Even at other people's houses
71. You support me in whatever I want to do.
72. You treat me like your team mate, and your equal.
73. That one time you painted Madison's toe nails for her while I was napping. I loved that. Even though they looked awful. haha..
74. You call me as often as you can when you're away
75. You surprise me with flowers from time to time because you know they're my favorite.
76. You're my best friend.
77. You never give up, and you never stop trying.
78. You put your family first.
79. You look really cute in uniform. Especially class B inspection days
80. You always share all your cool stories about the people you meet and the places you go.
81. You always help me find my glasses or hairbrush.
82. Sometimes you put away the dishes without me asking.
83. When you're home I sometimes go months without ever having to fill up the gas tank.
84. You think I'm pretty even when I look horrible or just had a baby.
85. If I have a crazy knot in my amazon hair, you help me comb it out.
86. You don't care that I take over the bathroom with all my make up and hair care products.
87. You've never refused to give me a piggy back ride.
88. You try your hardest to always keep your promises.
89. When I worked graveyard and would come home super tired, you'd have the bed nice and made for me.
90. You get mad when people take advantage of me or don't treat me right.
91. You come visiting me on my breaks at work.
92. All my friends and family always love you.
93. You love me even though I am a huge brat.
94. You give me lots of attention!
95. You have the fullest most kissably soft lips.
96. No matter what happens in life, as long as your by my side, I know things will be okay.
97. When we're super old I know we'll still have lots of fun.
98. You'll let me play Taylor Swift on the radio while you're driving. At least for a little bit
99. No matter how bad the argument, you'll always come back for me.. even if I'm just in the other room crying.
100. You make it easy to think of a 100 reasons why I love you.
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